Outreach Ministries

Outreach Ministries
The Outreach Ministries are designed to reach those who are outside the walls of our sanctuary with the message and love of Jesus Christ.

The Outreach Ministries include:

  1. Nursing Home Ministry- This ministry is designed to "make a difference" in the lives of residents in local nursing home facilities. The goal is to keep their spirits highly lifted up through Scripture reading, prayer and singing.
  2. Mission Ministry
    The purpose of the Mission Ministry is to develop and implement a program of missions and mission awareness, both foreign and domestic, to balance the needs of the community with the resources of the church.
  3. Prison Ministry
    The purpose of the Prison Ministry is to evangelize, encourage, and equip those in prison, so that they are empowered to successfully transition back into society upon release from prison.
  4. Evangelistic Ministry
    The purpose of the Evangelistic ministry is to educate, equip and encourage believers for personal evangelism and to share the word with unchurched and unsaved.